Welcome to the Friday Night Phone Call series, where we conduct a cheeky, little-bit-flirty after-hours interview with a celebrity of our choosing and ask them all the hard-hitting questions, like “What are you wearing right now?” and “Candles, yea or nay?” Even more challenging? We do it all in 30 minutes. Thank us later.

Listening to Tai Verdes (whose new single "Stars" came out today) is like getting a literal IV drip of sun-shine. These lyrics from “AOK” sum it up perfectly: “Living in this big blue world / With my head up in outer space / I know I’ll be A-O, A-O-K.” So when I got on the phone with him for this interview, where we conduct a slightly unhinged interview with a so-h0t-right-now celebrity and ask them for all the dirty deets on their home life, I was hoping he’d deliver the same kind of vibe. Reader, not only did he not disappoint, but I now desperately, desperately need my head to be up in outer space with his, and I mean that as a compliment. Also, wait until you hear about his pajama game (or lack thereof).

I want to start with something that could be a bit scandalous. What’s in your bedside table?

I have a guitar pick, some noise-canceling headphones, and then some sage. I’ve got a lighter to burn the sage. I’m doing it right now.

a woman posing for a picture
amber asaly
This story is from the November/December issue. GET THE MAG

That sounds relaxing as hell. What about your bed? Is it just as cozy?

I don’t even sleep with a pillow. It’s like a back-alignment thing. My bed is also very firm. It’s kind of like sleeping on the floor. I have pillows on my bed, but maybe I’ll put my leg on top of one or my arm on one—but no pillows for the head. And usually, I don’t have that many blankets. I have the standard amount of blankets.

Okay, interesting! Do you have equally controversial opinions about pajamas?

I’m not really a PJs person. I just get the most comfortable pair of boxers or even shorts sometimes. If it’s not comfortable, I’m just gonna stay up and look for something more comfortable.

You can’t chill if you’re even one iota uncomfortable, I agree. Does that extend to all your at-home ’fits?

I wear this set that I got when I was in Japan. It’s a brand called Gelato Pique. It’s made of the softest material.

So you’re snuggled up but also a little bit fashionable.

No, no, no, no, no, a lot of bit fashionable. Come on, get it right.

Okay, I’m writing that down for accuracy! What’s your date-night-in game looking like these days?

I’m a movie person. If it’s early in the relationship, you want something you can engage with the person on. If it’s later on, it’s something that you both haven’t seen before, so you’re having a new experience together.

What’s your genre of choice?

I’ll choose anything except horror. I don’t want to be scared. A lot of people would be like,“Oh, but don’t you want them to be scared with you?” No. I don’t want that. I don’t want to use a weird tactic to connect with somebody.

That deserves a spot in the dating rules hall of fame: no horror movies. Get your cuddles on your own merits.